Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Unexpected

Sunday night, GraceFlock performed its kick-off concert at our home (Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran) to say thank you to all who have supported the band as we prepared for our tour. In that concert, we unveiled a new song called "Sinking Sand" in which we are reminded that God IS in the unexpected, even when it isn't OUR plan. The next morning, Kathy received "the call." Her mother, Esther, had passed away unexpectedly that morning. The news was hard to hear. The Rothfusz family has been blessed to know, love and be loved by Esther all our much of our lives. Her passing has a shock to us all. She and her husband, Herbert, who passed away a little over a year ago, were an unending source of strength, wisdom, love, joy, laughter, and faith in the lives of the Kuhlmans, Rothfuszes, Conns, McFarlands, Klumpps, Guilianos, and everyone else who came to know them. It will be a hard couple days saying good-bye to the matriarch of the Kuhlman family, but we rejoice in knowing she has been reunited with her beloved husband and the two of them are basking in the comfort, peace and love of their Savior, Jesus Christ. We all have that to look forward to. Esther Kuhlman is "Alive in the Lamb!" Praise God!!

As you probably surmised, Esther's passing has resulted in a slight change of plans for the GraceFlock Summer Tour. Because of the timing of the funeral in Oklahoma, we've had to postpone the Newnan, GA concert. Pastor Barb was completely understanding our predicament, as four of the nine band members were going to be unavailable. We've also had to cram about six days of tour preparation into 36 hours, so if we're a bit disorganized on the tour, you'll understand why. After the funeral, the Rothfusz arm of GraceFlock will join up with the band in Minneapolis on Tuesday, where we'll stay one night and then head to Alexandria for our first concert.

Our intent is to post a new message on our status and experiences on this blog while we're on tour. Check in with us to see what's going on!

The songbooks (one for each album) have been sent to press and should be ready for the tour. I've got to give a huge THANK YOU (and a couple margaritas, perhaps) to Karl Dietmeyer and Kathy for their expert editing of the 30+ songs included in the songbooks. They cleaned up a whole lot of "messiness" Gary and I created in our songs. I also want to thank Penny (and husband Kevin), Laura, Karla, and Frank for their help in loading up the trailer with our gear. It was an interesting puzzle to solve, but we did it. We're officially packed for the tour!! Woo-hoo!!

Quote of the Day: "Will it look funny for three girls to be driving a truck pulling a Boy Scout trailer" (Penny). Which reminds me, another huge THANK YOU to Troop 181 for graciously loaning us their trailer - new tires and all! It was a perfect fit!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Take some comfort in that you are doing what believe in right now. I hope that the drive times will allow you to remember the good things about Esther. It is so hard to feel the joy of victory in Christ, in the midst of mourning a death of a loves one. I could not think of a better group to be around you at this time!

I had to choose to spend this time with my family, but I would have loved to go with everyone on the trip. GraceFlock will be in my prayers until you return.
