Sunday, June 21, 2009

Giving Thanks for Our Base

James' wonderful comment on last Thursday's blog reminded me to recognize and celebrate those who have helped GraceFlock become the successful ministry for the Kingdom. Yes, there are eleven of us who have been blessed with the ability to get away from work/family/home for a week and a half to participate in this tour. We would be woefully remiss, however, if we didn't recognize those of our band family who were not able to join us and who have blessed us in our development as a band. James, Robin, Karen, Mark and Sue, we will carry your spirit with us on this trip and we are so grateful for your love, support and talent these past several years. We'll miss you, but you can know that you are part of this tour just as much as we are. Thank you!!

We also need to recognize and thank David and Miriam Beecher, the ones without whose help and encouragement eight years ago, GraceFlock would never have happened. Who, besides God Himself, would have known our "experiment" in the Fellowship Hall would have led to this?! What a blessing both of you are to us and our congregation!

O.K. The clothes are packed (mostly), the instruments are loaded, the sound system, lights, chords, CDs, songbooks, and myriad extra equipment has been packed in. We're ready to go. Rumor has it that the first group of travelers will leave on Sunday. We'll eventually all meet in Alexandria, but the next three days will be on the road in some form (from Georgia, Oklahoma, and Michigan - long story). Keep us in your prayers!

Quote of the Day: Let this life I live be all for the glory of You! (hearing this song right now as I'm sitting in Burger King and using the free WiFi connection.).


Unknown said...

You have been in my prayers and will continue to be so during the tour. May God's glory be increased by your music. God speed.

Anonymous said...

The rumors are true. We've hit TN and will make our way to IL tomorrow.

David said...

I didn't know that chords needed to be packed separately (I figured they would fit into guitar cases). Let me know what container works best; I may want to keep some close at hand, especially diminished 7th's.
Please be safe, and know that our prayers are with you. Don't know if you felt little touches this weekend, but we prayed for the group and for your family personally at all four services.